Andy Judge, Founder and CEO
Andrew Judge founded Grove Networks in 2000 to provide big business quality IT support to small businesses throughout Dade and Broward counties. Today, Grove Networks serves small businesses to Fortune 500 Companies in the US, Caribbean and South America with over two hundred clients in 12 countries and 15 states.
A graduate of the University of Miami with a Masters from the University of Rhode Island, he has attained over 30 certifications from Microsoft and Apple, to VMware and DataCore. He has serviced and/or taught organizations such as IBM, Sun Microsystems, EDS, EMC, Wachovia, Bank United, and Raytheon. While in graduate school, Andrew built his own aircraft, and he still enjoys flying both for business and pleasure. He has also participated in the Angel Flight program aiding in the transport of critically ill, low-income individuals who need special medical treatment but are unable to afford transportation. Andy is a proud member of Sigma Chi and the Heartland Technology Group.