Grove Networks Blog

Grove Networks has been serving the Miami area since 2000, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Cyberthreats Threaten Your Entire Business

Cyberthreats Threaten Your Entire Business

Countless challenges arise for businesses, ranging from supply chain disruptions and employee turnover to the unpredictable forces of natural disasters. Among these challenges, cyberattacks stand out as an inconspicuous yet highly menacing threat. In this article, we delve into the various ways cyberattacks endanger your business and provide insights on how to prepare for them effectively.

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What Should You Prioritize, Wireless or Wired Connections?

What Should You Prioritize, Wireless or Wired Connections?

Everyone associated with your business is constantly connected to the Internet. You know how you can tell? Tell them the Wi-Fi is down for a couple of hours and see what their reaction is. With so much weighing on your ability to connect to the Internet you have to make a decision: Do you wire your connections to the web or do you deploy strong Wi-Fi and try to do it that way? 

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Securing Your Wireless Network

Securing Your Wireless Network

Your business has to promote security whenever it can. In terms of keeping your wireless connections secure, the thought behind it is that if unauthorized people and machines can access your network without protections, they can do what they please with the data on the network. This is a big problem. Let’s go through a few things you need to consider to keep your wireless network secure. 

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You Can (and Should) Use a Better Router Than What Your ISP Will Give You

You Can (and Should) Use a Better Router Than What Your ISP Will Give You

Chances are that when you signed up for Internet service through your Internet service provider, or ISP, they hooked you up with a router that you would use to broadcast your wireless network’s signal around your office. While this is all well and good, we think you have valid reasons to replace that router with one that is better suited to your business’ needs. Why, you ask? Read on and find out.

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Wired or Wireless? That Is the Question

Wired or Wireless? That Is the Question

In the not-all-that-distant past, connectivity required an actual, physical connection between two endpoints. As a result, a wired connection was the only option for businesses to access online materials and resources. This leaves businesses with a choice to make: is a wired connection better for my operations, or should I implement wireless connectivity?

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Getting Accessible Internet to the Disabled Isn’t So Easy

Getting Accessible Internet to the Disabled Isn’t So Easy

Accessibility to the Internet is a hot topic because, at this point, almost everyone should be afforded Internet access. The fact that some people don’t have access to the Internet puts them at a severe disadvantage. One group that has major problems with accessibility are disabled people. Let’s discuss what can be done about that.

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Looking Into the Growth of Digital Services

Looking Into the Growth of Digital Services

Over the past several years there has been a monumental shift in the availability of tools on the Internet, and at the beginning of 2020, analysts thought that this type of service delivery would continue to grow at a swift rate. They didn’t account for a global pandemic. 

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What Kind of Network Would Best Serve Your Business?

What Kind of Network Would Best Serve Your Business?

The way your business uses and accesses data is changing. A short time ago, you couldn’t imagine that you would have a comprehensive strategy to keep data secure when sending and receiving it wirelessly, but today wireless transmission methods have become more secure, reliable, and fast. This month, we’ll take a look at the difference between wired and wireless connections in the modern business.

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5G and the Future of the Wi-Fi HotSpot

5G and the Future of the Wi-Fi HotSpot

The establishment of Wi-Fi as a tool has been revolutionary for society. With mobile carriers instituting data caps, and more people using mobile devices to access the ever-increasing ecosystem of content, Wi-Fi hotspots have become more than just useful tools, they have become a staple for businesses and individuals from all over the world. 

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Today’s Small Businesses Lean Heavily on Remote Workers

Today’s Small Businesses Lean Heavily on Remote Workers

Were you among the 55.3 percent of employees who took their work devices on the road during this past holiday season? Chances are that if you have employees who find it difficult to complete their duties in the office, they’ll take it home with them over the holidays to make sure they don’t fall behind. Yet, they could potentially be exposing important data to risk, even if it means getting a little bit of work done here and there in the meantime.

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New WPA3 Connections Helping Network Security

New WPA3 Connections Helping Network Security

For a technology that’s so commonplace, Wi-Fi rarely receives an update unless a catastrophic new threat becomes a major issue. Most recently, the KRACK vulnerability exposed serious shortcomings regarding WPA2 connections--a technology that has been in place since 2004. A new version of this technology called WPA3 has been introduced to combat the most recent threats and vulnerabilities, improving security considerably.

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Tip of the Week: Are You at Risk Due to the IoT?

Tip of the Week: Are You at Risk Due to the IoT?

The Internet of Things is now a commonality. IoT devices are in our homes, in our offices, and in our pockets. While these devices are incredibly convenient, they also contribute to some major security risks. For today’s tip, we’ll review some of the ways to reduce these risks while still leveraging the IoT.

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Get Your Staff to Stop Shopping and Start Working

Get Your Staff to Stop Shopping and Start Working

With the growing popularity of Cyber Monday sales and explosion of all types of eCommerce, employees are more than likely tempted to shop during work hours. There are a lot of promotions exclusively available to online shoppers that take place during a business’ hour of operations. Many companies allow occasional use of company time for personal use. However, some employees are going to take advantage of this generosity and abuse the privilege.

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Tip of the Week: 5 Ways Thieves are Looking to Scam Shoppers

Tip of the Week: 5 Ways Thieves are Looking to Scam Shoppers

It’s seems unbelievable just how much thought and effort hackers can put into their attacks. Scammers are all over the place, and you can never truly be safe. Here are six scams that you should always be on the lookout for.

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What a Firewall Does and Doesn’t Do, and Why it Matters for Your Business

What a Firewall Does and Doesn’t Do, and Why it Matters for Your Business

So you keep hearing about the need for a firewall, but maybe you’re not exactly sure what it is or even what it does. As a business owner, you don’t need to fully grasp the complexities of network security in order to effectively manage your company. Although, it is beneficial for every business owner to understand the basics of what a firewall is, along with a working knowledge of how it protects an organization’s IT infrastructure.

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What’s With All of These Silly Memes?

What’s With All of These Silly Memes?

Memes are deeply rooted into today’s online culture. Thanks to the Internet, even the most absurd things can quickly gain popularity through social media and online forums. While they might seem silly and pointless, it would be foolish to dismiss them as wastes of time; especially considering how popular they are. If you are looking for a creative way to get your name and brand out there, why not try using memes?

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A Fascinating Look at How the Internet Has Changed the Stock Market

A Fascinating Look at How the Internet Has Changed the Stock Market

When you think about the stock market, one vibrant image that comes to mind is the chaotic trading floor of the New York Stock Exchange, with traders climbing over each other and barking orders. Today, the NYSE trading floor is much more subdued, a testimony to just how much technology has changed the financial marketplace.

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Tip of the Week: Don’t Be Caught Off Guard By What People Online are Saying About Your Business

b2ap3_thumbnail_manage_your_online_reputation_400.jpgEvery business owner understands that having a good reputation is paramount toward their success. Yet, some business owners may not fully grasp just how much the Internet influences their company’s reputation in today’s business environment. In order to find out what the people of the Internet are saying about your business, you have to manage your company’s online reputation.

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How and Why Cyber Crime is so Effective

b2ap3_thumbnail_cyber_crime_is_the_new_norm_400.jpgThe Internet is a fantastic tool that has ushered in an era of productivity and connectivity that we could only previously have dreamed of. Unfortunately, like every great tool, it can be used for darker, malicious purposes. In the Internet’s case, it’s used for anonymous illegal activity, like drug trafficking or selling data on the black market.

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The Overlooked Side of The Internet of Things May Be the Most Important

b2ap3_thumbnail_internet_of_things_400.jpgWhen one thinks about The Internet of Things, new and fantastic devices come to mind, like smart homes, smart cars, mobile devices, and more. While innovations like these are fueling the excitement behind the IoT, it’s actually the smaller, behind-the-scenes IoT devices which are poised to bring about the most significant change to our connected society.

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