Grove Networks Blog

Grove Networks has been serving the Miami area since 2000, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Backup is an Important Part of a Business Continuity Strategy

Backup is an Important Part of a Business Continuity Strategy

Every organization deals with operational problems in one manner or another. There are dozens of situations that can cause downtime, and having a comprehensive data backup plan can alleviate many of them. This month’s newsletter discusses business continuity and how data backup is a critical piece of that process. 

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When You Consider All Avenues of Data Loss, Backup Becomes Essential

When You Consider All Avenues of Data Loss, Backup Becomes Essential

“It won’t happen to me.” This is a common excuse amongst business owners who refuse to equip their network with a comprehensive data backup and recovery solution. They may feel like they’re careful enough to avoid a major data loss-causing disaster. Yet, the inconvenient fact remains that a disaster can happen to any business, no matter how prepared they may be.

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A Remote Work Contingency Plan Could Save Your Business

A Remote Work Contingency Plan Could Save Your Business

Disasters are more common in the business world than you might think, be they natural disasters that level your office or simple electrical problems that spark a structural fire. A business-threatening disaster could occur at any moment, and it is your responsibility to ensure that it doesn’t put your business’ future at risk. To this end, we recommend you have plans for off-site operations, even if only temporary.

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What Actually Happens to Your Data when a Disaster Happens?

What Actually Happens to Your Data when a Disaster Happens?

No one ever hopes that they have to take advantage of their disaster recovery solution, but it is something that every business needs to have in order to sustain operations even in the worst of times. Understanding how these solutions work, as well as the goals your organization has for them, are critical to recovering post-disaster.

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Prepare for These 4 Types of Disasters Before It’s Too Late

Prepare for These 4 Types of Disasters Before It’s Too Late

Businesses of all industries and sizes need to account for various disasters that could sink operations and lead to considerable costs associated with downtime. It is your responsibility as a business owner to identify what these disasters are and take steps toward addressing them, preferably before they become major problems that cost your organization time and money.

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What Bases Should a BDR Cover?

What Bases Should a BDR Cover?

As much as you hope it will not happen to your business, a disaster could very well strike at any time—statistics have shown as much to be true. To remove some of the risks associated with disasters and the data loss they lead to; we recommend that you implement BDR into your business continuity strategies.

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A Solid Disaster Recovery Strategy Can Save Your Business

A Solid Disaster Recovery Strategy Can Save Your Business

Not all businesses will look at disaster recovery the same way, but if you want your business to have the kind of continuity that will allow it to get through tough situations, doing your best to formally create a disaster recovery policy will put you in the position to weather any storm you encounter.

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The Basics of Business Continuity Planning

The Basics of Business Continuity Planning

Situations happen all the time to businesses that can really put a lot of stress on their ability to sustain operations. These situations don’t often remediate themselves. Simply put, every business needs a business continuity plan; and one-in-five don’t have one. This month, we thought we would break down a successful plan into its components to try to give businesses that may not have a plan, the basics needed to establish one.

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How the Right Technology Can Help SMBs Reopen Safely

How the Right Technology Can Help SMBs Reopen Safely

Many small businesses in the United States—most, actually—are in a catch-22 of sorts due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While reopening too soon could contribute to a resurgence in infection rates, there is also a very real risk associated with reopening too late. To help avoid either scenario, the right technology solutions will prove to be indispensable.

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What are Tech Industry Giants Doing About COVID-19?

What are Tech Industry Giants Doing About COVID-19?

While COVID-19 has largely dominated the public awareness and created huge shifts and interruptions to businesses of all sizes, small businesses have clearly been impacted the most--essential and non-essential businesses alike. Of course, this doesn’t mean that large enterprises and corporations aren’t also affected. The difference is, these enterprises and corporations are sometimes better equipped to do something about it… which many have.

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Understanding Disaster Recovery: RTO and RPO

Understanding Disaster Recovery: RTO and RPO

In business, having contingencies for potential problems tends to be advantageous for the business that wants to stave off ruin. When you are dealing with information technology--specifically data--ensuring that it is protected against loss in the face of the litany of threats out there is an undertaking in itself. A disaster recovery strategy is created to govern the processes a business develops to recover to restore operations in a manner that will keep the business in business. This month we take a look at two of the core variables of a disaster recovery strategy: RPO and RTO.

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Best Practices for Setting Up Your Backups and Your Disaster Recovery

Best Practices for Setting Up Your Backups and Your Disaster Recovery

When we discuss backup and disaster recovery (BDR), it may seem as though we’re talking about a single process - after all, there’s just one acronym for it. However, the reality is that - while these two processes are related to one another - backup and disaster recovery each require a different preparation process, with different considerations made for each.

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Companies Look to BDR for Business Continuity

Companies Look to BDR for Business Continuity

Data backup is one of the most important parts of maintaining a business, but it’s not something that some organizations even consider until it’s too late to undo the damage done. In any case, data backup is a critical part of any successful business, but it’s not as simple as implementing a solution and hoping it works. We’ll walk you through the proper steps for making sure your organization has a successful data backup solution when it’s needed most.

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The Protection of Data Is Best with BDR

The Protection of Data Is Best with BDR

Data backup is a critical part of any business endeavor, because if you don’t have one all of your hard work could be taken away in an instant. It’s not great to think about, but your business’ infrastructure could be put at risk of sudden annihilation. With so much at risk, what is the best way to approach managing your data? There are a lot of options out there, but there is only one that will allow your organization to get back in action following a crippling data loss incident.

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Backups Are Essential For The Businesses Of Today

Backups Are Essential For The Businesses Of Today

Today most companies utilize computers in the dissemination of their services. Whether you run an office that deploys dozens of computers and multiple servers, a busy restaurant with a full-scale point of sale system, or a contractor that only needs one computer with invoicing software, you depend on your data. Since most businesses also provide goods and services for many people that indirectly depend on it, having a plan to protect the business from potential devastation is important.

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Would You Be “Happy” to Lose 24 Hours’ Worth of Data?

Would You Be “Happy” to Lose 24 Hours’ Worth of Data?

When we talk about best practices, we are typically referring to the practices used by successful companies to garner the best results. A new study by Disaster Recovery has shown that, as backup and recovery solutions go, enterprises are providing some pretty disappointing results as many fail to continuously back up their data and it results in additional inherent risk.

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Why BDR is the Ideal Backup Solution for SMBs

Why BDR is the Ideal Backup Solution for SMBs

How does your SMB backup its data? Have you put much thought into keeping your data backup up and stored off-site? Have you even invested in data backup? If not, then you should consider your data backup options.

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6 Data Backup Best Practices that Make Your Business More Resilient

6 Data Backup Best Practices that Make Your Business More Resilient

As a business owner, you’ve surely thought about what the future holds for your organization. However, one of the things that you need to think about that’s not often considered is the event of a data disaster. How can your business bounce back from such a catastrophic event? One of the first steps is understanding your data backup and disaster recovery process, as well as how you can improve your current setup.

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You Need a Plan to Protect Your Data From These 3 Common Disasters

You Need a Plan to Protect Your Data From These 3 Common Disasters

Sometimes Mother Nature simply isn’t on your side, or you’re unfortunate enough to experience a troublesome disaster that threatens to knock your business off its feet. While various parts of the world are known for experiencing deadly natural disasters, other regions might not be as prone to them, giving business owners the wrong idea. It’s not a question of whether you’ll be hit with a crippling disaster, but when.

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How Backing Up Your Data Safeguards Your Business From a Disaster

How Backing Up Your Data Safeguards Your Business From a Disaster

Data might be the single most important asset of any business, but you would be shocked to hear about how many organizations don’t consider data loss to be a prominent threat. The fact remains that it doesn’t take an immense disaster to wipe out an entire infrastructure, and that you should expect the worst to happen regardless of how unlikely it is to do so.

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