Grove Networks Blog

Grove Networks has been serving the Miami area since 2000, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Master Your Email with These Tips

Master Your Email with These Tips

For most people, their email inbox can get pretty intimidating. You miss a day of work for personal reasons and you probably need to schedule about double the time getting to all of the updates, responses, and junk that comes in in a short amount of time. In this month’s newsletter we thought we’d go through a few tips that can help anyone better manage their email and keep their accounts secure.

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Three Ways You Benefit from Encrypting Your Email

Three Ways You Benefit from Encrypting Your Email

Encryption stands as a formidable shield for businesses, fortifying their security architecture. While often discussed in VPN contexts, its significance in securing email solutions cannot be overstated. Why is email encryption indispensable for businesses of all sizes? Let's explore.

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Dissecting the Lessons from a Recent Amazon Scam Warning Email

Dissecting the Lessons from a Recent Amazon Scam Warning Email

Amazon Prime subscribers recently received an email from the online marketplace, warning them of the prevalence of scams that took advantage of their offerings and brand recognition. Let’s go through the advice that this email shared, and compare it to the best practices we recommend for avoiding scams.

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Blank Emails are a Sign of Dangerous Spam

Blank Emails are a Sign of Dangerous Spam

We talk a lot about phishing. What it is, what it does, and perhaps most critically, what it looks like. However, have you ever expected a phishing email to look like… nothing? As in, a completely blank message?

If you answered, “no,” that’s exactly what today’s cybercriminals are counting on.

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Your Business Communications Should Present a Unified Front

Your Business Communications Should Present a Unified Front

A business’ operations are heavily influenced by the quality of its communications. However, the overwhelming number of options that are available today can make it challenging to decide how to invest in your technologies. Let’s talk about how you can identify which of your options are right for your business needs, and when the time comes to upgrade your communications.

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Hackers are Going Phishing for Your Money

Hackers are Going Phishing for Your Money

When people talk about cybersecurity nowadays, there certainly seems to be a lot of emphasis put on phishing attacks and ransomware. This is for good reason. Not only can either of these attack vectors create significant difficulties for a business, they are often used in tandem. Let’s discuss why these threats are so potent, and why they so often show up together.

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Why Businesses Should Select a Hosted Email Solution

Why Businesses Should Select a Hosted Email Solution

Email is easily one of the most commonly (and most often) used business tools there are, but as with any tool, some options are better than others. This week, we’re giving you some tips on how to best use email in your business by using hosted email.

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Why Unified Communication Is Necessary… Especially Now

Why Unified Communication Is Necessary… Especially Now

With a few notable exceptions, businesses today are largely in a holding pattern, waiting for the time to come when their operations can resume in full force. When the time comes to do so, however, there are likely to be some growing pains as everyone settles back into their old processes and operations. To help minimize these impacts, we recommend spending this time to improve your business communications.

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Phishing Scams Use Many Kinds of Bait

Phishing Scams Use Many Kinds of Bait

Phishing scams have one of the most descriptive names in all of computing, mostly because of how similar phishing is with fishing. Just as one does when one goes fishing, bait is dangled in the hopes of getting a bite - but to take the comparison one step further, different types of bait can be used, depending on the catch one is trying to make.

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Securing Your Email is Crucial for Your Overall Security

Securing Your Email is Crucial for Your Overall Security

Email security has suffered in the past several years due to the commoditization of basic email security services. If every spam solution is the same, then they can be changed out to just about any other solution out there, removing quality and replacing it with quantity. We have seen this trend take antivirus--the fact that free antivirus exists and many people prefer it over some paid solutions is a testament to this--but will spam protection move in the same direction?

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Can You Get a Unified Communications System In the Cloud?

Can You Get a Unified Communications System In the Cloud?

It’s not out of the ordinary for a business to sideline communications in favor of getting operations off the ground, but the issue is that communications are supposed to be used for augmenting operations. Therefore, businesses that don’t utilize a unified communications system are doing themselves a disservice in more ways than one.

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Business Communications You Can Depend On

Business Communications You Can Depend On

Would your business fall apart if communications halted? This is one of the major pitfalls that businesses have to deal with, as without proper teamwork and communication, operations can fall apart and productivity can be lost. What are some of the ways that your business manages the many modes of communication that it relies on?

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Tip of the Week: Syncing Email Across Multiple Devices

Tip of the Week: Syncing Email Across Multiple Devices

It’s true that email is such a common solution that most people don’t think twice about how it works. However, it’s imperative that you at least understand the concept, as it can provide you with a considerable advantage when it comes time to optimize email access on your mobile devices. First, we’ll discuss the ways in which the two major message exchange protocols differ, and then dig into the specifics of why you should choose one over the other.

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Can Your Business Succeed with Its Current Communications?

Can Your Business Succeed with Its Current Communications?

Communications are crucial for any business. Whether you own a restaurant, a junkyard, or a corporation that is looking to go public, communications are a base line item on any business’ long term plan. Communication drives sales, collaboration, and the support of your offerings. Are you leveraging the best communications technology for your needs?

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Is It A Good Idea To Bait A Phishing Scam?

Is It A Good Idea To Bait A Phishing Scam?

Phishing scams have had a supporting role in many of the latest cyber threats, often as the means the attacker has used to start off their attack. This attack vector is relatively easy to avoid in most cases, but requires education for the end user.

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If Your Business Could Talk, It’d Complain About Spam

If Your Business Could Talk, It’d Complain About Spam

Chances are, you’ve heard of spam, but many don’t know how to identify it in the first place, let alone work around it. Frankly, spam can cause some serious damage to your business if not properly dealt with. In today’s blog, you’ll learn what makes spam, “spam,” and how you can keep it from infecting your inbox.

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The Advantages of Hosted Email are Significant For SMBs

b2ap3_thumbnail_cloud_email_400.jpgEmail is a critical component of your business’s IT infrastructure, and without it, your organization’s operations could grind to a halt. As a valuable communications medium, email helps your team stay productive and up-to-speed on the latest initiatives. This is the main reason why you want your email to have minimal downtime, but managing and maintaining an email server on your own can be challenging and difficult, at best.

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Gmail Now Notifies Users if an Email Comes From a Shady Source

b2ap3_thumbnail_gmail_security_400.jpgWhenever you receive an email, there’s the possibility that it’s a spam message sent to infect you with viruses or malware, or to just waste your time. This chance isn’t just negligible; in fact, it’s enough to warrant concern for anyone utilizing email as a communication medium, including business owners. Thankfully, users of Gmail will soon be having a much easier time knowing the origin of their messages, and whether or not they were sent over a secure connection.

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Tip of the Week: Even the Most Careful People Fall For These 4 Email Mistakes

b2ap3_thumbnail_email_gaffes_400.jpgDespite the rapid advancements of business technology in the past decade, enterprises the world over are still heavily dependent upon email. Therefore, every modern worker needs to be trained on how to send a professional email. If not, classic email mistakes will be made that could bruise your company’s reputation, like these four common email blunders.

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How a Spam Filtering Solution is Like the Sheriff of Your Network

b2ap3_thumbnail_ocular_patdown_400.jpgWhen it comes to the security of your company’s network, you need to have a strike plan to get you out of any potentially threatening situations. Essentially, your network needs an email security solution like a spam filter to act as a sheriff for your business.

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