Grove Networks Blog

Grove Networks has been serving the Miami area since 2000, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

An SMB’s Guide to Understanding HIPAA

An SMB’s Guide to Understanding HIPAA

Security has never been easy for any business that deals with sensitive information. Nowadays, even a small business that uses an Internet connection has to worry about hackers and malware of all types. This is especially problematic for small healthcare offices that need to keep sensitive information secure and safe from online threats.

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HIPAA Protects Patient Privacy

b2ap3_thumbnail_hipaa_protects_you_400.jpgThis subject isn’t very interesting outside of hospital administrators… or for hospital administrators, but there’s no denying that healthcare is one of the most important industries in our society today; and one that is having a technology overhaul at present. The influx of cheaper and more powerful technology is surely going to be a driving force for healthcare in the 21st century. Under the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH), the United States government has followed the lead of other Western nations in forcing entities to upgrade their healthcare practice’s information technology for the betterment of patients, insurers, and health care providers.

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