Data Backup & Disaster Recovery | Data Protection that’s archived, redundant, and ready to restore!


Grove Networks's Data Backup and Disaster Recovery

Backup is a vital measure for securing your business information in cases of server failure, but offsite backup is even more important when disaster strikes.

Offsite backup is what everyone is referring to now as the Cloud. It may sound nebulous, but it is pretty straightforward. Somewhere, not at your office, there is some space, either shared or dedicated, where your local backup server is being copied and stored daily or in real-time. There may even be multiple backup locations, or mirror sites, keeping copies for additional security.

Disaster Recovery is the process of reinstalling your backup to a new server at your office so that you can get back to work. Depending on your needs and access to your office, Grove Networks can generally get software reinstalled your backup data reintegrated and running in 2-3 days.

Business Continuity services are different from backup in that you host your main server, or a copy, with your business applications running at an off-site location. If something happens to your main location, you simply login from home, a hotel, an airport, or wherever and keep working.

Grove Networks has vast experience in designing backup and business continuity solutions for all types of businesses. We even have our own ‘cloud’ which we offer as a very cost-effective add-on to our AdvantageIT service plan.


For more information about our Data Recovery services call us today at (305) 448-6126.

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